Google X Mineral project

What Is Google X? The Secret Google Moonshot Factory

Dan King
Dan King

Table of Contents

Google X, also known as "X" or "X Development LLC," is a semi-secret research and development facility operated by Google's parent company, Alphabet Inc. The facility is dedicated to exploring and developing futuristic technologies and ambitious moonshot projects.

What is GoogleX?

Google X focuses on tackling large-scale, ambitious projects with the potential to have a significant impact on society and address major challenges. These projects are often referred to as "moonshots" due to their audacious goals and potential for groundbreaking innovation.

"X is a diverse group of inventors and entrepreneurs who build and launch technologies that aim to improve the lives of millions, even billions, of people. Our goal: 10x impact on the world’s most intractable problems, not just 10% improvement. We approach projects that have the aspiration and riskiness of research with the speed and ambition of a startup."

Research and Development

Google X engages in extensive research and development across various fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, biotechnology, energy, transportation, and more. The facility brings together experts from diverse disciplines to collaborate on complex and innovative ideas.

Innovation and Disruption

The aim of Google X is to push the boundaries of technology and create disruptive solutions. The facility embraces unconventional approaches, encourages out-of-the-box thinking, and seeks to solve problems in unconventional ways.

Long-Term Impact Projects

Google X's projects often have long-term goals and are not expected to generate immediate commercial products or services. The facility prioritizes technological breakthroughs and societal impact over short-term profitability.

Some Notable Projects of GoogleX

Google X has worked on several high-profile projects, including Google Glass, Project Loon, Waymo, and Wing.

Google Glass

Unveiled in 2012, Google Glass was an augmented reality wearable device developed by Google as a part of their ambitious exploration into wearable technology. It was designed to provide users with hands-free access to information and communication through a head-mounted display.

Google X Project Glass

The Google Glass product consisted of a lightweight frame equipped with a small prism-like display positioned just above the right eye. The display provided a heads-up display (HUD) that could show information such as notifications, messages, weather updates, and more. Users could interact with the device through voice commands, touch gestures on the frame, and a touch-sensitive pad located on the side.

The project aimed to offer a seamless blend of the physical and digital worlds. It allowed users to view information in real-time without needing to look down at a separate device. Users could receive and respond to messages, make calls, capture photos and videos, get directions, perform internet searches, and access various apps and services through voice commands and the device's display.

While Google Glass gained a lot of attention for its potential, it faced quite a bit of criticism over privacy concerns. The device's ability to capture photos and videos discreetly raised concerns about invasion of privacy and surveillance. Some businesses even banned the use of Google Glass within their premises.

In January 2015, Google announced the end of the Google Glass Explorer Program and halted consumer sales of the device. The project was not abandoned, but instead shifted its focus to enterprise and industrial applications. The development continued under the name "Project Aura."

Google Glass has evolved into a specialized product called Google Glass Enterprise Edition (EE). The Enterprise Edition targets specific industries and workplaces, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics, where hands-free access to information and remote assistance can enhance productivity and efficiency.

You can read more about how Google is continuing to evolve Glass here.

Project Loon

Project Loon was an experimental project by Alphabet Inc., Google's parent company, aimed at providing internet access to remote and underserved areas using high-altitude balloons. The project sought to bring internet connectivity to regions where traditional infrastructure was challenging or expensive to deploy.

The project utilized a network of high-altitude balloons floating in the stratosphere, approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles) above the Earth's surface. These balloons were designed to act as floating cell towers, providing internet connectivity to areas within their coverage range.

In January 2021, Alphabet announced that Project Loon was coming to an end. The project faced challenges in terms of the cost of maintaining and scaling the network, as well as the availability of alternative connectivity solutions in remote areas. The technology and insights gained from Project Loon have been incorporated into other initiatives within Alphabet.

You can read more about Project Loon here.

Project Waymo

Project Waymo is a self-driving car initiative that focuses on the development and deployment of autonomous vehicle technology with the aim of making transportation safer, more accessible, and more efficient.

Google X Project Waymo self driving car

The origins of Waymo can be traced back to the Google Self-Driving Car Project, which was launched in 2009. The project aimed to develop autonomous driving technology capable of navigating public roads safely and efficiently.

Waymo focuses on building and refining the hardware and software necessary for self-driving cars. This includes sensor systems, computer vision algorithms, machine learning models, and advanced control systems. Waymo's technology allows vehicles to perceive and interpret their surroundings, make driving decisions, and navigate autonomously.

Waymo has collaborated with various automotive manufacturers, ride-hailing companies, and transportation providers to accelerate the adoption of autonomous vehicle technology. They have developed partnerships with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) and Jaguar Land Rover to integrate self-driving technology into their vehicle platforms.

You can read more about Project Waymo here.


Project Wing is focused on the development and testing of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for delivery purposes. The project aims to create a safe and efficient drone delivery system that can transport goods to various locations, especially in areas with limited infrastructure or challenging logistics.

Google X Project Wing drone

Project Wing's drones utilize vertical takeoff and landing capabilities, allowing them to launch and land in a variety of locations, including confined spaces. This feature eliminates the need for a traditional runway, enabling delivery operations in diverse environments.

Project Wing has conducted numerous delivery trials, including the transportation of goods such as medicines, food, and consumer products. The project has partnered with companies and organizations to explore potential use cases and gather real-world data, including collaborations with FedEx, Walgreens, and the Australian Government.

If you want to learn more about Project Wing, check out this link.

Some projects that originated from Google X have transitioned into independent companies within Alphabet, such as Waymo and Verily (formerly Google Life Sciences). This transition allows these projects to further develop and commercialize their technologies. As stated above, many of these projects find partners that can utilize their technology and expand on its functionality.

Being a research and development facility, Google X operates under a level of secrecy and confidentiality, and not all projects or details about ongoing research may be publicly disclosed. The facility remains committed to pushing the boundaries of technology and driving innovation in pursuit of ambitious goals.